Harper’s promise

A Promise Kept


When Stephen Harper became Prime Minister he promised that when he was finished with it we would no longer recognize this country. He has delivered this promise in spades. I no longer recognize my country. The latest proof is in the disgraceful unCanadian disregard for any degree of humanity in the Syrian refugee crisis.

Harper can say all he wants about the economy under his administration. When things went bad he blamed outside causes, when things improved he patted himself on the back. Smoke and mirrors. Let us not forget the Duffy trial, which has demonstrated not so much about Duffy as about the obfuscations of the PMO over which Harper has complete control. Let us not forget the shameful treatment of veterans or the victims of thalidomide. Let us not forget that he sent Canadian troops into a battle zone without the support of any other party. Let us not forget his gross unwillingness to take action for Syrian refugees until shamed by public opinion. Let us not forget his government’s unwillingness to open the archives for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and then basically ignoring their recommendations. Let us not forget that he had to bring in a foreign gunslinger to bolster his flagging campaign. Let us not forget his gutting of research funds, his disregard for global warming, his removal of the long census, and his cynical Fair Elections Act which makes voting more difficult for those most likely to vote anything but conservative. Let us not forget that Conservative candidates are systematically removed from meeting the Canadian public lest they speak their minds. The list goes on and on. Vote for Harper and you are voting against the wishes of over 60% of Canadian, and for four more years of disaster for this country.

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